Tuesday, October 20, 2009

people, make way.... tsunami is coming......

its been a long since i had wrote in my blog due to hectic and busy schedules that surrounds me, but i like it because im busy doing something from nothing.. so after all the activities i done through, im able to write again in my blog because im missing it to tell and share my stories... so i began with the movie that i watched in the cinema called Tsunami at Haeundae...

the film was based on Korea where the geological research had discovers the East Sea showing signs of activity similar to the Indian Ocean at the time of the 2004 Tsunami. Despite his warnings, the Disaster Prevention Agency affirms that Korea is in no harm of being hit but on a hot summer day, a super-tsunami is headed straight for Haeundae at 500 miles per hour.

then the tsunami attacked and the chaotic of all the citizens in Haeundae started screaming and ran for their life... the story began slowly where it showed the life in the city and after half an hour it begins to expand the action of the tsunami....

the storyline was interesting because it also combines the likes of final destination where in one scene at the bridge there was a man who escaped his life through from the contena that were dropped from the ship above the bridge.. there were also humor in the story that was fun to watch and dont worry im not going to tell you that..

apart from that, the movie certainly will touch your emotions with the sad moments and as an Asian im proud to say that Korean had produced a very descent film and enjoyable to watch..

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