Tuesday, October 20, 2009

not the bruce willis film that i enjoyed watching...

surrogates is a film where robots is being applied in everyone life.. there is no pain, no fear and no shame in one's life.. you controlled your own's robot and moves through robots that is very much the same like you and even you can make it looked younger and more energy as your age catches on you..

the crime rate dropped drastically reaching to 99% but when the first murder in years jolts this utopia, FBI agent Greer (Willis) discovers a vast conspiracy behind the surrogate phenomenon and must abandon his own surrogate, risking his life to unravel the mystery.

enough said for this movie because the storyline was too slow, the action were too few and i miss the likes of die hard 4.0 where bruce willis at his best but this movie was really disappointing and i was shocked to see how this film being rated high... no wonder terminator 3 was a flop because it was the same director who made this film.. too sad.. but bruce, it was not your fault, i still enjoyed your die hard movies...

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