yesterday i was involved for the 'RIMUP' program.. or known as 'Rancangan Integrasi Murid Untuk Perpaduan'.. there are four schools that been involved that is my school, SK Taman Nirwana, SK Ampang, SJK Tamil and SJK Cina.. the objective of the program is to unite all the races together by bringing them to Zoo negara and Aquaria KLCC..
this indeed was a good program because students can learn and know how to mingle with other races and make friends..
this program have to be running in order to exposed the students how important to respect other races and to help each other without looking at their races, skin colors and religion.. its a 1 Malaysia concept and we have to be proud that our country were blessed with unity and prosperity unlike other countries.. so it is time to hold hands together and be one.....
taking picture in front of the lions' stature inside zoo negara..
after a long walk, its time to have a a big plate in your mouth and what could even be better that your lunch was KFC.. before the packages arrived, i asked my group to asked about their new friends and know each of them better.. we ate together happily and silence because many of them were hungry.. hehehe..
ko cr awek kecik2 ea topek... macam mj.. haha
apa jadah nya ko ni? dorang sume da mcm adik2 aku la.. kecewa i taw..
1malaysia 1malaysia jugak.
takkan melayu hilang didunia.
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