Tuesday, September 8, 2009

G.I. JENAB rocks!!

when i first saw the movie trailer in the cinema i knew that this movie gonna be a hit movie.. indeed i was damn right.. G.I JENAB delivered all the action, adventure, super gadget, spectacular visual effect and superb sound quality system only the theatre near by you can satisfiy the greatness of the film..

when the movie first started it makes you want to see more until to the last part whereby you already wanted to see the second part of the film..

although there were some part that the cgi graphic seems like a cartoon version, but apart from that this film was worth watching.. the chicks in the black suit were rock!! seems that i want to be a bad guy, hehe.. but i stick with the good part as hero always wins and get the hot chicks in the end..

so for those movie maniac out there, this movie guaranteed to amaze you and you better watch it fast if you dont want to miss it while it still shows in the cinema..

G.I JENAB rise of the hamster will surely kick some ass.. Go JENAB!!!

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